Vil du være forhandler af Bobbi Balloon?
Vi er lige nu åbne for nye forhandlere. Udfyld venligst kontaktboksen herunder og vi vil herefter række ud til dig. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig og forhåbentlig få dig som en af vores +100 forhandlere 🤍
Bedste hilsner,
Carolin, stifter af Bobbi Balloon
Do you want to be one of our Bobbi Balloon retailers?
We are currently open to new retailers. Please fill out the contact form below with your name, e-mail, phone number and your request - then we will reach out to you! We look forward to hearing from you and hopefully get you as one of our +100 retailers world wide 🤍
Kind regards,
Carolin, founder Bobbi Balloon